Challenges of large infrastructure projects within the energy transition
The module “Geoenergetic und Geoscientific Challenges of large infrastructure projects concerning energy change – project management, strategy, and execution of contruction work.” took place for the first time (8th – 12th March 2021).
The lecturers Dr. Johannes Stegner (TenneT TSO GmbH) and Dr. David Bertermann (GeoCentre of Northern Bavaria) introduced the for geologists and soil scientists relevant ground depending coherences and project structures of a major project in the course of energy change, the high voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission project SuedLink.
Subject-specific contents regarding power cable interactions with the surrounding soil (for instance heat transfer calculations) as well as soil protection issues were propounded. Additionally, also basics regarding the project management of large-scale projects with a complex stakeholder nexus were shown and exercised. These tasks for the students were given as practical example in a large project persuant and realistic way.
Due to the positive feedback, the next corresponding session will proceed in the next semesters.
Further information regarding this topic can be found here: Interaktionen des Erdkabelsystems Suedlink mit der Kabelumgebung – Bodenkundlich-Technische Aspekte

GeoZentrum Nordbayern
Dr. David Bertermann
Forschungsgruppenleiter Flache Geothermie
Chair of Geology (Prof. Dr. Stollhofen)