Potential maps for the Austrian GEL-SEP project

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The Austrian project GEL-SEP “Spatial Energy Planning for Heat Transition” is part of the research initiative “Green Energy Lab”. The aim of the project is to elaborate the potentials of different renewable heat sources, including very shallow geothermal energy, and to present them in the ‘HEATatlas’, a GIS-based web application (http://www.waermeplanung.at).

The Shallow Geothermal Research Group at the FAU was commissioned by the Hydrogeology and Geothermal Department of the Austrian Geological Survey (https://www.geologie.ac.at) to develop and provide potential maps concerning very shallow geothermal systems for selected areas in Austria. On February 23, 2021, our staff members Hans Schwarz and Nikola Jocic presented the developed concepts in an online workshop to representatives of the federal states of Salzburg, Vienna and Styria, as well as to representatives of different research institutions and planning offices.


Hans Schwarz, M. Sc.

Flache Geothermie

GeoZentrum Nordbayern
Chair of Geology (Prof. Dr. Stollhofen)